Imago Int

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Charles Darwin


IMAGO offers a global and multilingual platform for exchanges among people willing to improve psychosocial and conflict-resolution skills.



Companies requesting both consulting and auditing services will be redirected towards a certification body. A conflict of interest prevents the same professional from conducting consulting and auditing services of the same entity.


All Services offered by IMAGO comply with the International Labor Organization Standards and Guidelines.


All information shared during consulting services or an audit will be kept confidential. A confidentiality agreement is reviewed and included in each contract.


Journal of an auditor

Journal of a social auditor is an overview of my auditing experience and includes a toolbox of golden rules, social skills and negotiation tools that helped me succeed in this business. Anyone interested in the life of a traveling auditor or more specifically wishing to become one should read Journal of a social auditor.



Imagoblog is a multi-cultural platform for auditors, opening a door to exchanges among auditors and professionals around the world. The conversation emerges to collaborate in finding solutions to issues happening during audits.

Imagoblog connects auditors that usually work as a team of one and seldom share experiences; therefore, seldom receive feedback and support. 
To read about most frequently asked questions, click below.

+ Info


Webinars propose skills frequently used in the context of auditing whether you are the auditor or the auditee. Knowledge and practice of social skills and conflict resolution techniques enhance personal and professional wellbeing. 
Webinars include examples and tools on how to apply the skills, how to use them in your life.

+ Info

The ‘S’ in ESG: a social impact

This book is an introduction to ESG, with the ‘S’ as its focal point. Environmental and governance criteria are briefly...


Paz Escolar is an innovative program that supports the emotional development of children aged 4 to 12 years while promoting the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the classroom and at home.

Paz Escolar is available in Spanish for teachers willing to eradicate violence among children from school settings up to fourth grade.

Home: Gourdon, France by Noëlle
Who we are: Barcelona Mar Bella by Antoine del Álamo
Imagoblog & Webinars: La Rochelle, France by Noëlle
Paz Escolar: Mongolia by Heiner Pflug
Contact us: Over the Alps after sunset by Noëlle